About Feriepartner Sverige

Rent a holiday home in Sweden through Feriepartner.

Feriepartner Sverige is also called "Ferienhausvermittlung Kröger+Rehn” and is headquartered in Hamburg, Germany. The company was founded in 1973 after a summer holiday in Denmark when the Kröger family from Germany saw a homemade sign along the road. The sign gave the name of a young man in the Rasmussen family who was renting out six holiday homes. The two families came to an agreement that the Kröger family would help out from their home in Hamburg.

From a start as a typical home-based business, the company grew larger, and when Urlaubsring Dänemark was founded in 1986, we in Hamburg took over responsibility for bookings and distribution of catalogues. Another company joined and the dream of becoming the largest holiday home rental company in Denmark together with the Danish holiday home rental companies grew as well. As an experienced and knowledgeable partner for Feriepartner Danmark, every day we offer our customers advice, assistance and an unforgettable experience when they book a holiday home through Ferienhausvermittlung Kröger + Rehn.

In 2013, Ferienhausvermittlung Kröger+Rehn took over a holiday home rental agency in Sweden, mainly based in Småland. When a neighbour asked for help in 1990 in getting his holiday home rented out, it dawned on Eberhard Krieger that they could help other homeowners in Småland do the same. Thus, “Småland Ferienhaus” came to be, and since then it has expanded to include more than 100 holiday homes in Southern Sweden.

At Feriepartner Sverige, we know each individual holiday home and help the homeowners, who are usually the ones who greet you when you arrive and who read the meters too. We help the Swedish homeowners become part of the Feriepartner family - and help the foreign holiday home guests in Southern Sweden.

Have a great holiday!

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